2022 Green Heart Summit
Soul Discovery: Living a Fully Expressed Life
With over 20 speakers who are experts of the mind and heart, attendees left with new discoveries, a nourished soul, and ready to live a fully expressed life. Tickets included live access to the entire experience as well as recordings of all speakers. LIVE events included Tues 2/8/22, Wed 2/9/22, and Thurs 2/10/22 from 9 am-1 pm EST. The event was hosted on a Virtual Event Platform and will include experiential activities for you to engage with and meet other soulful, good-hearted folks.
Stay Tuned for the 2023 Green Heart Self-Love Summit in February 2023
2022 Summit Schedule
Soul Discovery: Living a Fully Expressed Life
Day 1: Tuesday, February 8, 2022
9:30 am (EST) - Sharing Circle
10 am - Welcome with Elizabeth B. Hill & Kathleen Troy
10:15 am - Opening Meditation with Robin Finney
10:30 am - Coddiwomple Society Presents Indoor Recess with Kathleen Troy
11:00 am - BREAK
11:15 am - Finding Your Voice/Sharing your Story with Ryan Hall
11:45 am - Geographic Health with Lori Raggio
12:15 pm - That Firefly Life with Wendy Lee
12:45 pm - Closing Meditation with Elizabeth B. Hill
2-3 pm - Co-Creation Time for Heart-Led Entrepreneurs with Dr. Davia Shepherd & Kathleen Troy
Surrendering to Love with Kristi Borst PhD
No More Making Do in the Bedroom (or in Life!) with Mary Campbell
Building a Soul-Aligned Business with Barb Pritchard
Day 2: Wednesday, February 9, 2022
9:30 am (EST) - Sharing Circle
10 am - Welcome with Elizabeth B. Hill
10:15 am - Opening Meditation with Karla Archambeault
10:30 am - Stop Overworking & Start Overflowing with Kristi Sullivan
11:00 am - BREAK
11:15 am - We Are Joy with Mary Ann Pack
11:45 am - Surrender Your Story with Robin Clare
12:15 pm - Holoenergetic Healing with Dr. Leonard Laskow
12:45 pm - Closing Meditation with Elizabeth B. Hill
2-3 pm - Co-Creation Time for Heart-Led Entrepreneurs with Kristi Sullivan & Kathleen Troy
Writing from the Soul with Christopher Paige
Erotica Of The Soul: Harnessing Your Sexiest Desires To Unlock A Delicious Future With Angel Johnstone
Day 3: Thursday, February 10, 2022
9:30 am (EST) - Sharing Circle
10 am - Welcome with Kathleen Troy
10:15 am - Opening Meditation with Lisa Ferry
10:30 am - From Burnout to Brilliance with Dr. Davia Shepherd
11:00 am - BREAK
11:15 am - Making Love an Adventure with Alex Terranova and Evin Rose
11:45 am - Loving the Rainbow within with Dena Otrin
12:15 pm - Reflection with Elizabeth B. Hill
12:45 pm - Closing Meditation with Robin Finney
2-3 pm - Co-Creation Time for Heart-Led Entrepreneurs with Kathleen Troy
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