The Manifesting Experience
With our 21-Day Manifesting Experience, you receive access to 21-Days of LIVE Mindset Meditations held periodically throughout the year. All meditations are recorded and accessible all month. Each LIVE Meditation is 20 minutes and includes a breathing practice to help you get centered, a bit of wisdom for the day, and a mantra to help you get the most out of the meditation.
Our meditations and resources are rooted in: Mantras & Mudras, Mindfulness, Law of Attraction, EFT/Tapping, Pranayama, Yoga (Yin/Kundalini/Restorative), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Ontological and Facilitative Coaching Techniques.
The 21-Day Manifesting Experience was launched in December 2019 with the theme "Happy, Healthy, Wealthy". January 2020's theme was Healing. The theme for February 2020 is "Love All Ways". The next 21-Day Experience will begin Spring 2020.
It is free to join and can be accessed by becoming a member of the 21-Day Manifesting Experience Facebook group.
© 2016